
2021 - Consultant, engaged audiences

- Independent programming services for the GLAM sector

2015 - Coordinator, Communications and Engagement, Archives and Special Collections, University of Melbourne

- Coordination of exhibition public programs for the Noel Shaw Gallery

- Coordination of exhibition engagement, including writing copy for different audience segments

- Management of digital channel content, including content coordination, strategy and analytics tracking.

2022 Program Coordinator, Creative Community Connections, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne

- Coordination of program events including ‘Tessitura Workshop’, and Creating Out Loud delivery

- Management of project budget

- Engagement and payment of independent contractors

- Assistance with program evaluation and 2023 project plan

2018 Project Manager, Curate your Career, Equity and Innovation grant, University of Melbourne

- Development of program, in response to gap in vocational programming for arts students

- Coordination and hosting of four In-Conversation events

- Management of project budget,

- Coordination of project branding, event promotion and evaluation

2017 Audience Engagement Consultant, University of Melbourne Archives

- Development of audience engagement strategy for the Archives.

- Promotion of ‘Germaine Greer Meets the Archivists’ event at the University for International Women’s Day.

- Joint co-ordination of Germaine Greer appearance with donors to the University’s purchase of the Greer Archive.

- Coordination of campaign to profile the Australian Red Cross Collection, leading to article in The Conversation, radio

interview on Radio National (with Fiona Ross, UMA Archivist) and increase in requests of the collection.


2014             Project Manager, MUSEUM LAB, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne

                         - Management of 45 GSHSS Student Participants

                         - Management of project budget

                         - Liaison with project partners

                        -  Oversight of MUSEUM LAB social media platforms, including Wordpress Blog, Instagram and Facebook accounts

                         - Marketing and promotion of project profile and identity and project activities to internal and external stakeholders


2013   - 2014     Teaching/Research Assistant, Arts and Cultural Management Program, School of Culture and Communication, Faculty of Arts,

University of Melbourne

                         - Editorial Assistance to Editor, Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management including liaison with contributors and reviewers,

proof reading, journal editing and formatting.

                         - Assistance with Arts and Cultural Management subject administration including LMS management and Readings Online liaiso

Tertiary Education: 

2007 - 2011     Master of Art Curatorship, School of Culture and Communication, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne

2001                Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours (Art and Cultural Theory), School of Art, University of Tasmania

1998 – 2000    Bachelor of Arts (Art Theory/English Literature Double Major), University of Tasmania


Grants, Awards and Scholarships:

2018                Equity and Innovation Grant, $17,291, Melbourne Engagement and Partnerships Office, University of Melbourne, Curate your Career

2014                Vice Chancellor Staff Engagement Project Grant, $9,980, University of Melbourne, MUSEUM LAB

2014                Faculty Engagement Committee Funding, $2,500, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne, MUSEUM LAB

2013                Cultural and Community Relations Advisory Group Grant, $2,900, Melbourne Engagement & Partnerships Office, University of

Melbourne, MUSEUM LAB

2009                Cultural Connotations Art Curatorship Award, The University of Melbourne, $1,000; Awarded to the highest ranking Master of Art Curatorship student upon the completion of the first year of their two year degree

2009                Eugenie La Gerche Scholarship, The University of Melbourne, $500; Awarded for financial support of expenses related to a self-initiated Public Programs research trip to Europe in May/June 2009. Interviews conducted with Public Programs staff at museums including Tate Modern, London, The Jewish Museum, Berlin and the National Museum, Krakow.


Internships and Volunteering:


2011                Marketing Volunteer, Marketing and Communications Department, Museum Victoria

2011                Volunteer, Galeria Bezdomna Exhibition, Ballarat Photo Biennale

2010                Internship, Education and Public Programs, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

2009 – 2010    Student Ambassador, Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne

2007                Curator, 'Neighbourhood Watching', St Kilda Bowling Club Studio Annual Exhibition, Brightspace Gallery, St Kilda

2006 – 2007    Visitor Services Volunteer, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Bulleen


Committees and Memberships:

2022 - Friends of the Library Committee, Princes Hill Primary School

2014                Member of Indigenous Employment Framework Advisory Group, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne

2014                Member of Faculty of Arts Equal Opportunity and Diversity Committee Working Group on Parental Leave Entitlements

2011 – 2012    Museums Australia Gold Membership

Referees: Available on Request