Melbourne Tweed Ride, @ the Grainger Museum, 2017-2018
In 2017 I created a partnership between the Melbourne Tweed Ride and the Grainger Museum - programming that resulted in significant profile raising for the Museum, including mainstream media coverage, a radio interview and a high level of digital channel engagement. I approached the Ride organisers inspired by the authentic connections within the Grainger Museum including tweed clothing and Percy Grainger’s passion for bicycles.
The Grainger Museum ride was the starting point for the Melbourne Tweed Ride in 2017-2018. The event allowed us to activate the Museum building, bring a new audience to our current exhibition, and by documenting the event professionally (by Casamento Photography) create unique and highly engaging digital content.
You can read media about the Melbourne Tweed Ride, here, here and here, and hear me speaking about the event with Red Symmons on ABC Radio Melbourne here.

Chelsea Harris
Grainger Museum Coordinator
Jessica Black
Peter Casamento, Casamento Photography